Class 2 । The English Treasure (2) । Lesson 1. Travelling, Travelling

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A. Read the poem again. Write words from the poem to complete the lines.
    1. Row, row, row your boat,
     Ans : Gently round the lake.

    2. Drive, drive, drive your car,
    Ans : Have a merry cruise.

    3. Fly, fly, fly your plane,
    Ans : High up in the air.

    4. Chug, chug, chug your train,
    Ans : Chug along the track.

    5. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
    Ans : Stamp them on the ground.

B. Answer the following questions in one or two lines.
    1. What do you take when you travel on
    Ans : When I travel on water. I usually
    take boat.

    2. What can you have when you drive
    your car? Tick (√) the right answer.
          [√] You can have a merry cruise.
          [×] You can swing on a merry - go-
          [×] You can have a delicious meal.

    3. Where do planes fly?
    Ans : Planes fly in the air through the

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