Scholar's JUNIOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION || Class 6 || Section I | Unit I || Lesson 9: THE NUMBER Page 51

Exercise 1. Give the plurals of the following nouns:
(a) tree, box, key, lady, knife, child, ox
Ans: trees, boxes, keys, ladies, knives, children, oxen

(b) bench, eye, flower, monkey, baby, leaf, food
Ans: benches, eyes, flowers, monkeys, babies, leaves, foods

(c) church, latch, bench, branch, brush
Ans: churches, latches, benches, branches, brushes

(d) mosquito, piano, ratio, negro, buffalo, halo
Ans: mosquitoes, pianos, ratios, negros, buffaloes, haloes

(e) story, storey, family, diary, pony
Ans: stories, storeys, families, diaries, ponies

(f) elf, dwarf, wolf, hoof, gulf, cliff
Ans: elves, dwarfs, wolves, hoves/hoofs, cliffs

(g) man, ox, goose, mouse, foot, tooth
Ans: men, oxen, geese, mice, feet, teeth

(h) I, he, she, you, it, this, that, him, mine, me
Ans: we, they, they, you, they, them, ours, us

(i) sheep, fish, deer, series, wheat
Ans: sheep, fish, deer, series, wheat

(j) man-servant, passer-by, on-looker, hanger-on, step-son
Ans: men-servant, passers-by, on-lookers, hangers-on, step-sons

(k) M.P., 5, i, B.A., t, M
Ans: M.P.'s, 5's, i's, B.A's., t's, M's

(l) Mr, Miss, Mrs, Mr Sharma
Ans: Messrs, Misses, Mesdames, Messrs Sharms

(m) focus, radius, medium, phenomenon, axis
Ans: foci, radii, media, phenomena, axes

Exercise 2. Give the singulars of the following nouns:
(a) dwarfs, the Kapoors, bases, loci, data
Ans: dwarf, the Kapoor, base, locus, datum

(b) flies, latches, pianos, rhinos, bushes
Ans: fly, latch, piano, rhino, bush

(c) hooves, storeys, lice, them, our
Ans: hoof, storey, louse, him, my

(d) they, us, theirs, ourselves
Ans: it/he, me, his/hers, myself

(e) Mesdames, Messrs, radii, formulae
Ans: Mrs, Mr, radius, formula

Exercise 3. Read the example and change each sentence into plural form:
Example : A cat is an animal. (Singular)
Cats are animals. (Plural)
1. A patato is a vegetable
Ans: All the potatoes are vegetables.

2. A wife is a lady.
Ans: All the wives are ladies.

3. A doctor can be a man or woman.
Ans: All the doctors can be men or women.

4. We make a loaf from wheat flour.
Ans: We make loaves from wheat flour.

5. I fill my pen with ink.
Ans: We fill our pens with ink.

6. A child was flying its kite.
Ans: All the children were flying theirs kites.

7. A duck quacks but a goose cackles.
Ans: All the ducks quack but geese cackle.

8. A mouse was caught in a trap.
Ans: All the mice were caught in traps.

9. No child is playing in the park.
Ans: No children are playing in the park.

10. The radius of this circle is long.
Ans: The radii of these cirles are long

11. I cannot tolerate such insult.
Ans: We cannot tolerate such insults.

12. The girl is playing with a doll.
Ans: The girls are playing with dolls.

13. A peacock is a very proud bird.
Ans: All the peacocks are very proud birds.

Exercise 4. Observe the example and change the sentences given below into singular form.
Example : Our teeth are aching. (Plural)
         My tooth is aching. (Singular)
1. Bells ring but sirens wail.
Ans: Bell rings but siren wails.

2. They gave us hundred-rupee notes.
Ans: He gave us a hundred-rupee note.

3. Students are doing their class - work.
Ans: Student is doing his/her class - work.

4. No childern are playing there.
Ans: No child is playiing there.

5. These roads are closed for repairs.
Ans: This road is closed for repairs.

6. Parrots are in the cages.
Ans: A parrot is in the cage.

7. All the innings have been over.
Ans: A inning has been over.

8. All the lookers - on were eagar to see the bloody drama.
Ans: A looker-on was eager to see the bloody drama.

9. Sparrows build nests in house.
Ans: A sparrow builds nests in house.

10. True patriots brave dangers manfully.
Ans: A true patriot braves dangers manfully.

Exercise 5. Tick the correct word within the brackets:
1. He has two (brother-in-law/brothers-in-law)
Ans: He has two brothers-in-law.

2. He is the first (M.A./M.A's) in our village.
Ans: He is the first M.A's in our village.

3. Always cross your (t/t's) and dot your (i/i's).
Ans: Always cross your t's and dot your i's.

4. This farmer has three goats and two (sheep/sheeps).
Ans: This farmer has three goats and two sheep.

5. They will keep two (man-servants/men-servants).
Ans: They will keep two men-servants.

6. The first innings of the match (is/are) over.
Ans: The first innings of the match is over.

7. Alms (was/were) given to the poor.
Ans: Alms were given to the poor.

8. The summons (was/were) served on him.
Ans: The summons was served on him.

9. The (cargo/cargoes) has arrived.
Ans: The cargo has arrived.

10. The syllabus (has/have) been revised by Ram.
Ans: The syllabus has been revised by Ram.

Exercise 6. Tick the correct:
1. Several thousand/thousands applied for the job.
Ans: Several thousands applied for the job.

2. Police is/are chasing the thieves.
Ans: Police are chasing the thieves.

3. Alms were/was given to the poor.
Ans: Alms was given to the poor.

4. Pants are/is comfortable to wear.
Ans: Pants are comfortable to wear.

5. We use a compass/compasses to draw circles.
Ans: We use a compass to draw circles.

6. Scissors is/are used for cutting cloth.
Ans: Scissors are used for cutting cloth.

7. Goods is/are lying on the floor.
Ans: Goods are lying on the floor.

8. Mathematics is /are his favourite subject.
Ans: Mathematics is his favourite subject.

9. No news is/are good news.
Ans: No news is good news.

10. Measles is/are infectious.
Ans: Measles is infectious.

11. Where is/are these cattle?
Ans: Where are these cattle?

12. He weighs above eight stone/stones.
Ans: He weighs above eight stones.

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