Scholar's JUNIOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION || Class 6 || Section I | Unit I || Lesson 10: THE GENDER Page 56

Exercise 1. Give the feminines of:
dog - bitch
horse - mare
king - queen
god - goddess
lion - lioness
hunter - huntress
peacock - peahen
tiger - tigress
brother - sister
uncle - aunt
sir - madam
negro - europid
milkman - milkmaid
grandfather - grandmother
prince - princess
lad - lass
cock - hen
bull - cow
bullock - heifer
emperor - empress
niece - nephew
widower - widow
actor - actress

Exercise 2. Give the masculines of:
milkmaid - milkman
daughter - son
duck - drake
lady - lord
duchess - duke
mare - horse
lass - lad
queen - king
empress - emperor
she ass - he ass
gander - goose
nun - monk
bee - drone
witch - wizard
bitch - dog
hind - stag
bride - bridegroom
heroine - hero
madam - sir
miss - mr

Exercise 3. Classify the following nouns into common and neuter genders:
chair - neuter gender
parents - common gender
stool - neuter gender
orphan - common gender
baby - common gender
box - neuter gender
chart - neuter gender
knife - neuter gender
cousin - common gender
cot - neuter gender
teacher - common gender
table - neuter gender
servant - common gender
pupil - common gender

Exercise 4. Rewrite the following sentences changing the gender of every noun:
1. The duchess wants you in her presence.
Ans: The duke wants you in his presence.

2. The hunter shot down a doe.
Ans: The huntress shot down a buck

3. My land-lady is charming, slim, tall and healthy.
Ans: My land lord is charming, slim, tall and healthy.

4. The bride is the daughter of an inspector.
Ans: The bridegroom is the son of an inspector.

5. He married a lass of seventeen.
Ans: She married a lad of seventeen.

6. The tigress sprang at the heifer and tore it up.
Ans: The tiger sprang ar the bullock and tore it up.

7. He is a great poet, priest and prophet.
Ans: She is a great poetess, priestess and prophetess

8. His master is a kind hearted man.
Ans: Her mistress is a kind hearted woman.

9. The maid servant met a witch.
Ans: The bachelor servant met a wizard.

10. The milkman is a very honest man.
Ans: The milkmaid is a very honest woman.

11. Though he is a widower, yet he looks like a bachelor.
Ans: Though she is a widow, yet she looks like a maid.

12. The negro was put before a hungry lion.
Ans: The europid was put before a hungry lioness.

Exercise 5. Write the gender of each word in italics:
1. Mrs Das is an able teacher.
Ans: common

2. Laxmi Bai was a very brave queen.
Ans: feminine

3. I have a large number of friends.
Ans: common

4. The bride is extremely beautiful.
Ans: masculine

5. A pea cock is a very proud bird.
Ans: masculine

6. A child is after all a child.
Ans: common

7. The shepherd is tending his flock.
Ans: common

8. The lion is the king of the forest.
Ans: Masculine

9. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Ans: common

10. Teachers are real builders of the nation.
Ans: common

11. The moon has hidden the face behind a cloud.
Ans: neuter

12. The sun sheds the beams of light on rich and poor alike.
Ans: neuter

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