An Approach To English Grammar ।। Lesson I: Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence And Complex Senetence Page No. 1

Page No. 11

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ржЖржоাрз░ ржЧাঁрз▒ржд ржПржЯা ржкুржеি-ржнঁрз░াрж▓ (library) ржЖржЫে।
There is a library in our village.

ржЗрзЯাржд ржк্рж░াрзЯ ржмাрз░рж╢ ржХিрждাржк ржЖржЫে।
It contains about twelve hundred books.

ржХিрждাржкржмোрз░ рж╕рз░рж╣ржнাржЧেржЗ ржЧрж▓্ржкрз░ ржХিрждাржк।
The books are mostly story books.

ржХিржЫুржоাржи рж╕্ржХুрж▓-ржХрж▓েржЬрз░ ржХিрждাржкো ржЖржЫে।
There are also some school and college books.

ржПржЬржи ржкাржаржХржХ ржПржЦржиржХৈ ржХিрждাржк ржжিрзЯা рж╣рзЯ।
Each reader is given one book.

ржкুржеি-ржнঁрз░াрж▓ীрзЯে (Librarian) ржкাржаржХржХ ржХিрждাржк ржмржЫাржд (in selecting the book) рж╕рж╣াрзЯ ржХрз░ে।
The librarian helps the reader in selecting the book.

ржкুржеি-ржнঁрз░াрж▓ীрз░ ржмрж╣ু ржмিрж╖рзЯржд ржЬ্ржЮাржи ржержХা ржЙржЪিржд।
Knowledge of many subjects of the library is

ржХিрждাржк ржмাржЫি ржжিрзЯাржЯো ржПржЯা ржжাрзЯিржд্ржмржкূрж░্ржг ржХাржо (a responsible job)।
Choosing books is a responsible job.

ржЫাржд্рж░-ржЬীрз▒ржиржд ржоржЗ ржЦুржм ржХржо ржЙржкржи্ржпাрж╕ ржкрзЭিржЫিрж▓োঁ।
I read very few novels during my student life.

ржПрждিрзЯা ржХিржи্рждু ржпржеেрж╖্ржЯ ржЙржкржи্ржпাрж╕ ржЖржжি ржкржв়ো।
Now, however I read a lot of Nobel's.

ржПржЯা ржкুржЦুрз░ীржд ржПржЯা ржнেржХুрж▓ী (frog) ржЖржЫিрж▓।
There was a frog in a pond.

ржПржЯা рж╢рж╕্ржпрз░ ржнঁрз░াрж▓ржд (granary) ржПржЯা ржиিржЧржиি ржЖржЫিрж▓।
There was a rat in a granary.

ржжুрзЯো ржмрз░ ржмржи্ржзু ржЖржЫিрж▓।
They were great friends.

ржнেржХুрж▓ীрзЯে рж╕াржкржХ ржмрз░ ржнрзЯ ржХрз░ে।
Beetles are very afraid of snakes.

ржиিржЧржиিрзЯে ржоেржХুрз░ীрз░ ржнрзЯржд ржХঁржкি ржеাржХে (trembles)।
Rats tremble for fear of cats.

ржжুржп়ো ржиিрз░াржкржжে (in safety) ржмাрж╕ ржХрз░াрз░ ржмিрж╖рзЯে ржЪিржи্рждা ржХрз░িржмрж▓ৈ ржзрз░িрж▓ে।
They both started thinking about living in

рж╕িрж╣ঁрждে ржнрзЯржд ржЖрз░ু ржХিржоাржи ржжিржи ржЪрж▓িржм?
How long will they live in fear?

ржЕрз▒рж╢েрж╖ржд ржжুрзЯো ржПржХেрж▓ржЧে ржеাржХিржмрж▓ৈ(to live together) рж╕িржж্ржзাржи্ржд ржХрз░িрж▓ে (decided)।
Finally, both of them decided to stay

ржПржЗржЯো ржХিржи্рждু ржмрз░ рж╕рж╣ржЬ ржХржеা ржиাржЫিрж▓।
This, however, was not easy.

ржЧржЫржд ржЧাржи ржЧাржЗ ржержХা ржЪрз░াржЗржЯো ржжেржЦিржЫাржиে?
Do you see the bird singing in the tree?

рж╕ি ржПржЯা ржмрз░ ржоржзুрз░ ржЧীржд (a sweet song) ржЧাржЗржЫে।
He is singing a very sweet song.

ржнржЧা ржлрж▓িржЦржи ржжрж▓িрзЯাржЗ ржкেрж▓োрз▒া (throw away)
Throw away the broken board.

ржЪрж▓ржи্ржд ржЧাрзЬীрз░ ржУржЪрз░рж▓ৈ ржиাржпাржмা।
Do not approach moving cars.

ржлুрж▓ি ржержХা ржлুрж▓ржмোрз░ ржХেржиে ржзুржиীрзЯা!
How beautiful are the blooming flowers!

ржмীрз░েржи ржЖрз░ু ржирз░েржиে ржХ্рж░িржХেржЯ ржЦেрж▓ি ржнাрж▓ ржкাрзЯ।
Biren and Naren like to play cricket.

рждেржУঁ ржжুржЦীрзЯা ржХিржи্рждু ржмрз░ рж╕াржзু ржк্рж░ржХৃрждিрз░।
He is poor but very saintly in nature.

рждেржУঁ ржЖрж╣িрж▓ে ржоржЗ ржпাржо।
When he comes, I will go.

рж▓рждিржХা ржпেржиে рз░ূржкрз▒рждী рждেржиে ржЧুржгрз▒рждী।
Latika is as beautiful as she is virtuous.

рж▓'рз░াржЬржирз░ ржЕрж╕ুржЦ рж╣ৈржЫে, рж╕েрзЯে рж╕ি рж╕্ржХুрж▓рж▓ৈ ржЖрж╣িржм ржиোрз▒াрз░িрж▓ে।
The boy is sick, so he could not come to school.

ржЖржоাрз░ ржжেржЙрждাржЗ ржЪাрж╣ো ржиাржЦাрзЯ, ржзূржоржкাржиো ржиржХрз░ে।
Our father neither drinks tea nor smokes.

рж╣рзЯ ржЗংрз░াржЬী ржкрзЭা, ржирж╣'рж▓ে ржЕংржХ ржХрз░া (do sums)।
Either read English, or do sums.

рж╕ঁржЪা ржХржеা ржХোрз▒া ржирж╣'рж▓ে (else) рждোржоাржХ рж╢াрж╕্рждি ржжিрзЯা рж╣'ржм।
Tell the truth (else) you will be punished.

ржк্рж░ржХাрж╢ ржЕржХрж▓ ржмুржзিрзЯржХেржЗ ржирж╣рзЯ, ржкрз░িрж╢্рз░ржоীржУ (industrious, diligent)।
Prakash is not only intelligent, but also industrious, diligent.

рждেржУঁ ржЖрз░ু ржоржЗ ржЙржнрзЯে ржПржЗ ржХাржорз░ ржмাржмে ржжোрж╖ী (guilty)।
Both he and I are guilty of this.

ржкржв়াрз░ рж╕ржорзЯржд ржоржи ржжি ржкржв়িржмা ржЖрз░ু ржЦেрж▓াрз░ рж╕ржорзЯржд ржЖржиржи্ржжেрз░ে ржЦেрж▓িржмা।
Read carefully when you read and play with joy when you play.

рждেржУঁ ржЬ্ржЮাржиী ржирж╣рзЯ, ржмрз░ং (rather) ржоূрж░্ржЦрж╣ে।
He is not wise, but (rather) foolish.

ржмিржЬুрз▒ে ржиিржЬেржУ ржиржкржв়ে ржЖржиржХো ржкрзЭিржмрж▓ৈ ржиিржжিрзЯে।
Biju doesn't read it himself and doesn't let others read it.

ржпржжি ржЪেрж╖্ржЯা ржиржХрз░া, ржкрз░ীржХ্рж╖াржд ржХৃрждржХাрж░্ржп рж╣'ржмা ржХেржиেржХৈ?
If you don't try, how will you pass the exam?

ржЧৈ ржеাржХোঁрждে ржмাржЯржд рждেржУঁрж▓োржХে ржПржЬржи ржмৃржж্ржз ржоাржиুрж╣ рж▓ржЧ ржкাржЗржЫিрж▓।
On the way, they met an old man.

ржжেржЙрждা ржирж╣াрж▓ৈржХে ржЖржкুржиি ржЕржкেржХ্рж╖া ржХрз░িржм।
You will wait until my father comes.

ржЖржкুржиি ржпিржоাржиржкрз░ (as long as) ржЕржкেржХ্рж╖া ржХрз░িржм ржкাрз░ে рж╕িржоাржи рж╕ржорзЯ ржеাржХিржм।
There will be as long as you can wait.

ржХাржоржЯো рж╢েрж╖ рж╣োрз▒াрз░ рж▓ржЧে рж▓ржЧে (as soon as) рждেржУঁ ржЖрж╣িржм।
He will come as soon as the work is done.

рж╢িржХ্рж╖ржХ рж╢্рж░েржгীржд рж╕োржоোрз▒াрз░ рж▓ржЧে рж▓ржЧে ржЫাржд্рж░-ржЫাржд্рж░ীрж╕ржХрж▓ ржеিрзЯ рж╣ৈржЫিрж▓।
As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up.

рждেржУঁ ржПржЗ ржЧাঁрз▒рз░ржкрз░া ржпোрз▒া ржмрж╣ু ржмржЫрз░ рж╣'рж▓।
He has been away from this village for many years.

рж╕ি ржпে ржзূрж░্ржд рж╕ржХрж▓োржмে ржЬাржиে।
Everyone knows that he is cunning.

ржЬীрз▒ржиржд ржЙржи্ржирждি ржХрз░িржм ржЦুржЬিрж▓ে ржЕржмাржмржд рж╕ржорзЯ ржирж╖্ржЯ ржХрз░া ржЙржЪিржд ржирж╣рзЯ।
If you want to improve your life, you should not waste time.

ржпржжি рждুржоি ржоোрз░ ржХржеা ржиুрж╢ুржиা, ржнрз▒িрж╖্ржпрждে ржЕржиুрждাржк (repent) ржХрз░িржм рж▓াржЧিржм।
If you don't listen to me, you will have to repent in the future.

ржпিрж╣েрждু (since) ржоржЗ ржжুржЦীрзЯা, ржоোржХ ржХোржиেржУ рж╕ржо্ржоাржи ржиржХрз░ে।
Since I am poor, no one respects me.

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