Learn With Computer 4 || Lesson 1. Brief History of Computer


A. Multiple Choice Question. Tick (✔) the correct option.
(1) Who was Charles Babbage?
(a) Doctor
(b) Mathematician
(c) Lawyer
Ans: (b) Mathematician
(2) What was the name of first digital computer?
(a) Mark-I
(c) Pascaline
Ans: (b) ENIAC

(3) First real mechanical calculator was built by:
(a) John Napier
(b) Charles Babbage
(c) Blaise Pascal
Ans: (c) Blaise Pascal

(4) In _____ German Mathematician Oughtred invented slide rule.
(a) 1620
(b) 1988
(c) 1795
Ans: (a) 1620

(5) Each wheel was divided into parts of Pascal's calculator.
(a) 18
(b) 16
(c) 10
Ans: (c) 10

B. Fill in the blanks:
(Mathematician, Mark-I, France, China, Charles Babbage, Slide rule, Difference Engine)

1. _____ was the name of the first automatic digital computer.
Ans: Mark-I

2. _____ was Charles Babbage.
Ans: Mathematician

3. Abacus was invented in about 2000 BC in _____.
Ans: China

4. The outline of the Analytical Engine was prepared by _____.
Ans: Charles Babbage

5. Pascaline was made in _____ by Blaise Pascal.
Ans: France

6. Charles Babbage made a very useful machine called _____.
Ans: Difference Engine

7. For easy calculation William Austraid invented _____.
Ans: Slide Rule

C. Mark these statements as correct (✔) or incorrect (メ)
1. The Abacus is still used in Russia, Japan, and China extensively.

2. John Napier invented slide rule.

3. Mark-I was the first Multipurpose computer.

4. Blaise Pascal is called the "Father of Computer".

5. Difference Engine was developed by Charles Babbage.
Ans: ✔

D. Match the following:
1. Slide Rule        a. Charles Babbage
2. Analytical Engine b. Blaise Pascal
3. Mark-I            c. William Oughtred
4. Pascal Calculator d. Prof. Ackins and Prof Hopper
Ans: 1. - c
     2. - a
     3. - d
     4. - b

E. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you understand by computer?
Ans: A computer is an electronic machine which helps us in doing calculations. (Page 5 Para 1)

2. In ancient times, how was counting done by the man?
Ans: In ancient times counting was done with the help of things around him. For example: small stones, bones, fingers, etc. (Page 5 Para 2)

3. What is abacus?
Ans: The Abacus is the oldest calculating device.

4. Why is Charles Babbage called the "Father of the Computer"?
Ans: Charles Babbage called is the "Father of the Computer because he was the first man who made a machine that could calculate the value of algebraic formulate accurately up to 20 decimal places. (Page 7 Para 2)

5. What is considered as the first ancestor of modern computers?
Ans: Mark-I is considered as the first ancestor of modern computer.

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