Scholar's JUNIOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION || Class 6 || Section I | Unit I || Lesson 12: THE CASE

Exercise 1. Underline the noun or pronoun in the nominative case in each sentence:
1. Bad boys hide their faults.
2. Birds build nests in trees.
3. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
4. Jack and Jill went up a hill.
5. The fox tried hard to get at the grapes.
6. The sky grew dark after the sunset.
7. Such behaviour annoys me.
8. Our players played very well.
9. The Rajputs fought very bravely.
10. They have done their job well.


Exercise 2. Underline the noun or pronoun in the objective  case in each sentence:
1. The teacher punished the late-comers.
2. The king dismissed his minister.
3. We entertained them warmly.
4. They have played a nice game.
5. The saint advised us hard.
6. The hounds chased the hare hotly.
7. You have done a grave wrong.
8. She has worn a new saree today.
9. I loved her from the core of my heart.

Exercise 3. Underline the noun or pronoun in the dative case in each sentence:
1. She wore a letter to me.
2. His father bought him a new bike.
3. She sang us a sweet song.
4. Her uncle sent her a nice present.
5. He has done so much for you.
6. I gave her all my books.
7. The robber gave me a hard blow.
8. The crow stole cheese for its young.
9. They took much trouble for us.

📖 Chp 1. The Alphabet
📖 Chp 5. Parts of Speech
📖 Chp 11. The Pronoun
📖 Chp 14 General Determiners
📖 Chp 15. The Adjective
📖 Chp 17. The Verb

Exercise 4. Underline the noun or pronoun in the instrumental case in each sentence:
1. We write letters with pen and ink.
2. The farmer tied the sheaf with a rope.
3. I got onto the roof by means of a ladder.
4. We covered the entire journey by train.
5. The reapers reaped the harvest using sickles.

Exercise 5. Underline the noun or pronoun in the ablative case in each sentence:
1. He is returning from England on Sunday.
2. The trigger was pulled and the bullet went off.
3. The hunter shot an arrow from his bow.
4. Rain falls to the earth from the clouds.
5. Evil deeds cause even gods to fall from heaven.

Exercise 6. Underline the noun or pronoun in the possessive case in each sentences:
a. This bike is hers, not mine.
2. Whose are these satchels?
3. These playthings are Bittoo's?
4. That pen is Anil's not yours.
5. Mysterious are the ways of God.

Exercise 7. Underline the noun or pronoun in the locative case in each sentence:
1. The crow is cawing on the rooftop.
2. There is only a little milk in the jug.
3. The family sat at the table for dinner.
4. The rat is hiding under the almirah.
5. Surjit's flat is above ours.

Exercise 8.
(a) Give the objective case of each of these pronouns:
    I, We, You, She, He, It, They, Who
I - Me, We - Us, You -You, She - Her, He - Him,  It - It
    They - Them, Who - Whom

(b) Give the possessive case of each of these pronouns:
    I, We, You, She, He, They, Who, What
Ans: I - Mine, We - Ours, You - Yours, She - Hers,
    He - His, They - Theirs, Who - Whose

Exercise 9. Rewrite each phrase in italics using in apostrophe:
1. This house belongs to my father-in-law.
Ans: This is my father-in-law's house.
2. The books of the children are lying on the floor.
Ans: The children's books are lying on the floor.
3. Tulsidas lived during the reign of Akbar the Great.
Ans: Tulsidas lived during Akbar the Great's reign.
4. Samdragupta was the son of Chandragupta I.
Ans: Samdragupta was the Chandragupta I's son.
5. I bought flour equal in worth of three rupees.
Ans: I bought three rupees' worth of flour.
6. The poetry of Keats is very inspiring.
Ans: Keats' poetry is very inspiring.
7. The guns of the soldiers are in their hands.
Ans: The soldiers' guns are in their hands.
8. This farm belongs to my uncle.
Ans: This is my uncle's farm.
9. The plays written by Shakespeare are worth reading.
Ans: Shakespeare's plays are worth reading.
10. I met Sohan at the school where Ashok goes.
Ans: I met Sophan at Ashok's school.

Exercise 10. Correct these sentences:
1. The chair's legs are broken.
The legs of the chair are broken. 
2. I bought two rupees worth of milk.
I bought two rupees' worth of Milk.
3. I went to my mother's-in-law house.
I went to my mother-in-law's house. 
4. Ahoka's the Great reign was full of peace and order.
Ahoka the Great's reign was full of peace and order.
5. The house's gate faces north.
The gate of the house faces north.
6. The Akbar's the Great empire was very vast.
Akbar the Great's empire was very vast.
7. The boy's bags are lying there.
The boys' bags are lying there.
8. The stool's leg was broken.
The leg of the stool was broken.
9. Children's books are lying on the table.
The books of the children are lying on the table.
10. The President's speech announced many new reforms.
The president's speech announced many new reforms.
11. The table's legs are weak.
The legs of the table are weak.
12. The book's cover has become dirty.
The cover of the book has become dirty.
13. My house's roof is leaking during rains.
The roof of my house is leaking during rains.

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