Class 10 || English || First Flight || Word Meaning

A Letter To God
🔸 Crest: top of a hill.
🔸 Draped: covered
🔸 Conscious: an inner sense of right and wrong
🔸 Peso: currency of several Latin American Countries
🔸 Amiable: friendly and pleasant
🔸 Contentment: satisfaction
🔸 Entire: whole
🔸 Downpour: heavy fall of rain
🔸 Solitary: lonely

Nelson Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom
🔸 Besieged by: to be surrounded closely by
🔸 Amphitheatre:  a building without a roof, with many rows of seats rising in steps.
🔸 Confer: give
🔸 Emancipation: freedom from restriction.
🔸 Deprivation: state of not having once rightful benefits
🔸 Discrimination: being treated differently or unfavorably.
🔸 Spectacular array: an impressive display
🔸 Not unmindful of chevron: A pattern in the shape of a V
🔸 Despised: had a very low opinion of
🔸 Wrought: done, achieved
🔸 Profound: deep and strong
🔸 Resilience: the ability to deal with any kind of hardship and recover from its effects
🔸 Pushed to our limits: pushed to the last point in our ability to bear pain
🔸 Inclinations: natural tendencies of behavior
🔸 Inevitably: unavoidably
🔸 Illusion: something that appears to be real but is not
🔸 transitory: not permanent
🔸 Curtailed: reduced
🔸 Prejudice: a strong dislike without any good reason

A Tiger In the Zoo
🔸 Snarls: makes an angry, warning sound
🔸 Vivid: glaring
🔸 Rage: violent anger
🔸 Brilliant: very bright
🔸 Stalks: to walk

🔸 Languid: relaxed
🔸 Drifting: moving slowly
🔸 Pattern: make patterns
🔸 Tranquil: calm

 অন্যান্য শিক্ষামূলক প্ৰৱন্ধসমূহ :

      ✒️ ৬ টা উপায়েৰে ধুনীয়া হাতৰ আখৰ 
            তোমাৰো হ'ব পাৰে।
      ✒️ ৬ টা উপায় দীঘলীয়া উত্তৰ সহজে মূখস্থ

 Assamese Grammar :-
         বিপৰীত শব্দ
              (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

         সমাৰ্থক শব্দ
              (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

         সমাস
              (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

         সন্ধি
              (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

         এটা শব্দত প্ৰকাশ কৰা।
              (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

         ৭০ টা এটা শব্দত প্ৰকাশ কৰা

         খণ্ডবাক্য আৰু জতুৱা ঠাঁচ।
             (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

         বাক্য পৰিবৰ্তন।
             (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

 Hindi Grammar :
          विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

 English Grammar For Class 9 :
           Voice.
           Narration.

 English Grammar For Class 10:
          Vocabulary (i)
          Vocabulary (ii)
               (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

          Preposition (i)
          Preposition (ii)
               (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)
          160 Preposition with teaching

          Determiner (i)
          Determiner (ii)
               (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

          Narration (i)
          Narration (ii)
               (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)             

          Tense Form.
               (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

          Translation
              (Assamese to English)
              (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

          Verb Phrase (Making Sentences)
               (SEBA QUESTION BANK 2019)

          Synthesis/Combine Sentence (i)
          Synthesis/Combine Sentence (ii)
          Reading comprehension
                    1. The great advantage of
                       early ..........

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